
Keto – Stuff you really need to know
Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions and honestly i dont have the time to answer them individually. This is NOT a diet – because there is no generic keto diet. Different strokes for different folks, so i dont write diets and post them up, if i did that i would be doing injustice to the person following it.

Who gains more strength – Vegetarian or non-Vegetarian?
In general, Any sports for the matter, Non-vegetarians have a better advantage than the vegetarians.

How can we make muscles without whey protein?
There is one big section of population that does not want to use any kind of supplements even whey to build muscle. Its a way of life for them just like how people stick to vegan foods.

Intelligent ways to lose fat
I don’t want to give you an illusion regarding easy ways of fat loss. Had they been really easy we would not have so many heart attacks and obesity problems on the planet. So let us not go behind the misleading easy ways but let us look at fat loss from an intelligent vision. So that we can optimize out fat loss and attain our health goals. This blog is fully about diet and lifestyle.