
Aging is inevitable; Prolonging Youth is optional

Aging is a complex programmed process which is hastened or delayed by external factors including our lifestyle and the level of pollution. The human genetic program evolved over a million years ago and has remained relatively constant till date. However, our lifestyles and the environment have undergone massive changes in the last 100 years. Most of the changes are not in harmony with the natural programs that drive almost every aspect of our health and lifespan. In this article and many others on this site, you will see that living in harmony with nature’s design is the best way to prolong youth or increase healthy lifespan.

Are you dehydrated?

Are you dehydrated?

Lack of water immediately transforms in a less effective nutrition plan. When on a diet water is the most important ingredient you need to look at and so few people understand this. Many individuals start counting calories, fat grams, protein grams etc., but fail to know how much water they drink. It is very important in nutrition and bodybuilding in general to know how much water you consume.