Fat Loss

Intelligent ways to lose fat

Intelligent ways to lose fat

I don’t want to give you an illusion regarding easy ways of fat loss. Had they been really easy we would not have so many heart attacks and obesity problems on the planet. So let us not go behind the misleading easy ways but let us look at fat loss from an intelligent vision. So that we can optimize out fat loss and attain our health goals. This blog is fully about diet and lifestyle.

The Six Pack Secrets

The Six Pack Secrets

Most people are going in a completely wrong way, or they are going in the right way, but the approach is incomplete. They think that abs exercise alone will bring six pack. Abs exercises do develop ab muscles and strengthen them but do not burn fat from abs alone. With abs workout you could achieve great abs, but it won’t be visible with a layer of fat over the abs. You may never see them with a layer of fat over them.

The Vegetarian Diet

The Vegetarian Diet

Recently I have been getting lot of questions and clarifications about vegetarian diets. So here is a blog dedicated to the vegetarians trying to get into shape.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is becoming popular day by day with so many new health benefits like fighting cancer, HIV, Asthma, Liver disorder, Heart disease and many more. But here I will limit myself on explaining its benefits as an antioxidant and weight loss agent

The Cardio Workout

The Cardio Workout

There are a lot of modern equipment available today which help us doing the cardio indoor and out door. And for the summer, undoubtedly the best option would be swimming.