
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fat found in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid found mostly in plant oils. Naturally, CLA is a product of digestion by microbes in the first stomach (rumens) of grass-eating animals such as cows, so is found mainly in grass-fed beef and dairy products.

Giant Sets for Giant Arms
Maximal stimulation training for the muscles to reach its growth potential. Why? Saves time Keeps intensity high Improves igf response as two opposing muscles are pumped simultaneously Tests your human limits. If any body wants to complain about light weight, come and...
Different roles and functions of EFA’s are outlined in this article.
Bradford Press for Shoulders
Let me teach you, how to perform a bradford press using barbells to maximum delt development.