
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fat found in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid found mostly in plant oils. Naturally, CLA is a product of digestion by microbes in the first stomach (rumens) of grass-eating animals such as cows, so is found mainly in grass-fed beef and dairy products.

What is omega-3 and why should you eat it?

What is omega-3 and why should you eat it?

There are two types of fats that we need in our body.
The non-essential fatty acids that our body has in plenty and we dont need to take it through food.
And the essential fatty acids(EFA) that we need to supply only through food.

Intelligent ways to lose fat

Intelligent ways to lose fat

I don’t want to give you an illusion regarding easy ways of fat loss. Had they been really easy we would not have so many heart attacks and obesity problems on the planet. So let us not go behind the misleading easy ways but let us look at fat loss from an intelligent vision. So that we can optimize out fat loss and attain our health goals. This blog is fully about diet and lifestyle.

The Vegetarian Diet

The Vegetarian Diet

Recently I have been getting lot of questions and clarifications about vegetarian diets. So here is a blog dedicated to the vegetarians trying to get into shape.